Shipping & Delivery

When you order from our website, we ensure that the order gets processed within 24 hours and gets delivered within the delivery time of the product, mentioned on the product page. We strive to deliver products purchased from in excellent condition and in the fastest time possible. However, we can’t commit on the same.

Shipping price will be visible during checkout order time in the website. Your order status is updated to you via emails at every step. You can also track your order by clicking on the option Track Order that appears in the right hand side of our homepage. If you are having trouble reading the emails or if you haven't received any updates, please get in touch with our Customer Care Team immediately. Give us a call on +91 96-4990-4990 (10:30 AM - 6:30 PM) or drop us an email at An email is sent to you after the order is shipped that contains the tracking number and the service provider. Type the tracking number in the tracking section on the website of the service provider. The order status would provide detailed information on your package.

We apologize but we do not have the facility of returning the product to the courier agent and take the cash back from him. In case you are not satisfied with the product, please contact our customer care on +91 96-4990-4990 (10:30 AM - 6:30 PM) or drop us an email at

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